You can never tell who is telling you a lie these days.
I just found out yesterday my then best friend lied to me. That, or her boyfriend/ex boyfriend/boyfriend/ex boyfriend/boyfriend is lieing to me.
I think I'm still just amazed at the fact that two people who don't know how to be in a relationship, are still in a relationship. The girl with the boyfriend who calls her a 'fucking cunt' in front of friends.
The at-the-time ex boyfriend who said he was going to move away so he didn't have to see her anymore. Or did he not say that and you're lieing to me? Like the apparent, you broke up and he slept with another girl, but now he told me he never slept with anyone and you lied to me.
Or he did sleep with someone, but he is telling me he didn't sleep someone, and he has been loyal to you all these years. All these years of breaking up and getting back together. All these years of her asking me for advice (and never taking any of it). Of her calling me and asking me if she should change her number, as she doesn't want him calling her anymore, she never wants to talk to him again (they were back together about 4 days after this phone call).
I really don't care if my friends are in relationships or not. But if you're going to ask me for advice, I'd rather you take it, instead or ignore it. I don't ignore you. I have never ignored you. Don't make promises to come out partying with me, and then break them, two nights in a row, for your ex boyfriend. Of course I'm going to pissed off. I've never made a promise to you, and then broke it as I would rather be with my ex boyfriend who has having emotional problems. There are 24 hours in a day. You had spent 12 of them with your ex boyfriend. Was it really that hard to spend 5 or 6 hours of the night with me? Saturday didn't disappear. It never does. Saturday is another 24 hours for you to spend with your ex boyfriend.
Don't tell me and mother all your relationship drama, and how you're never going to see your ex boyfriend again, it's over, you have met someone new, you like the someone new, and then only to ditch the someone new, and go back to your ex boyfriend. I think it's pathetic. I think you are pathetic. You make up things about me, you criticise me, you call me stubborn, when you are equally as stubborn. You're a hypocrite. You're an ignorant bitch. You're pathetic for throwing away all those years of friendship. I hate you so fucking much.
I miss spending time with you.
I hate you so fucking much.