I went to an aquarobics class today. It was quite fun, yet painful on my leg at the same time. And it's true, aquarobics classes are dominated by old people. I was the youngest in the class by a few decades. But I will continue doing aquarobics. I'm not suppossed to be doing aquarobics, or any sort of physical activity, pretty much, after having surgery.
I got operated on Dec 23 in Canberra. It went well. It was a boring day at the hospital, but I had lots of magazines to read, and there was a tv in the waiting room, and I got to wear a pretty comfy dressing gown. The walk to theatre was not fun. After having not eaten for about 15hrs, I had to walk past a cafeteria to get to theatre. Lucky I wasn't feeling all that hungry. I then got to lay in a bed with a warm blanket, and some nurse talked to me. I then got wheeled into the room you go into before the operating room. Ive never liked that room. It's always so cold. Same with the operating room. But it's something to do with equipment and infections. I'm not too sure.
I'm getting braver as I get older. First surgery I've ever had where I didn't cry beforehand. And my mum wasn't even there with me. But I was brave, and I didn't cry, and I was able to talk to the theatre nurses and the anaesthesiologist all good. I got the canula inserted and then had to breathe into the oxygen. The anaesthesiologist was telling me its best if i hold it over my mouth myself, as I can get it in the better position, and so no oxygen escapes, and he tells me it's in a good place, no oxygen was escaping, and that was pretty much it. No getting told to count backwards. No warning. Just waking up in recovery all groggy and heavy-eyed, trying to work out where I was, and what I was doing and if I had had surgery yet. Then I felt the pain and realised I had been operated on, and the nurse came over to give me pain killers. Which I proceeded to get a fair few more times.
I don't like the sound of oxygen masks. They are a little noisy in quiet rooms. I hate the smell of them. Combined with a sore throat from the breathing tube, there aren't that great, and the taste of the oxygen and plastic stick around in the back of your throat for a few days.
It's been two weeks since I got operated on. I'm still in quite an amount of pain. I've been taking pain killers daily. It hurts to do everyday activities, such as getting out of bed, sitting down at the table, walking up and down stairs. But there's not much that can be done. The doctor I saw today said the only thing she can do is keep me comfy with pain killers, till the pain goes away, and see the surgeon again for after surgery check-up. So I'm back on panadiene forte. Not the greatest way to start a new year.