And I'm nearly 23. On Friday, to be exact.
I'm looking forward to my birthday. They are always fun and exciting, and I have a good day planned out. And the birthday party!!!
But I'm not looking forward to being older. That's what scares me. Always getting older, and my life having not turned out exactly how I would have liked it to be.
But I'm not going to complain too much, as I know there are people out there with lives worse off then mine, but I would not say no to a job right now. And I'm really keen for a hairdressers apprenticeship. I just need to find one!!! Argh!!!
But anyway, my birthday. Mum is taking me out for breakfast to Diggies. yumyumyum!!! I might go for a swim, or a run along the beach, go to the gym, and then pole dance at 6.30 pm.
Then I will be going home for AMAZING spaghetti bolognaise and garlic bread, and a movie marathon by myself in my bedroom.
Saturday night I will be partying!!! There is going to be a bit of a house party in the apartment (which mum is getting enough food for to feed an army!), and then into town to dance the night away. So I'm hoping it will be good a night, as I don't want to cry on my birthday (as I've done that too many times in the past...)
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