It's had it's ups, and it's definitely had it's downs. Not going to go into great detail, but I'm currently in hospital. This is a down. One of the many downs that has happened in September. Not too sure how long I'm going to be in hospital, but at least they give me leave, so I'm not constantly surrounded by 4 walls, and can get out and see some sunshine and get some fresh air.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Friday, September 17, 2010
Day 26
My Week In Great Detail
Sunday - I really don't think I did much. I remember going to Woolies to buy some food, had a coffee/hot chocolate with mum and read the Sunday papers. Was a pretty chilled out day.
Monday - I went into town and applied for multiple jobs. I then had a physio appointment. I got some strap thing which I wear around my hips, to keep my hip joints all stable and align, or something like that. The strap thing is kinda annoying.
Tuesday - I went to Newtown in the morning. Early in the morning. As in get up at 6 am to get ready and catch the 7.03 am train to the city. Then the bus to Newtown. Then I had the most amazing breakfast at Luxe. Organic poached eggs with baked mushrooms on sourdough toast and a chai latte on skim. Best paoched eggs I have had. I then had an appointment with my pyshciatrist at BMRI in Camperdown. After my appointment, I went into Monster Threads and got a card with owls on it. I then went to T2, where I spent too much money. I got my mum a box of Earl Grey for her birthday. I got myself these:
I've been after a really cute travel mug for aaaaaaaaaaaaaages, as Im always drinking tea, usually before an appointment, so Im always trying to drink my tea in the cup straight from the mug. It is not a fun feat. I found this glitter travel mug in T2 in Newtown, so I had to get it. Also got the Gorgeous Geisha tea bags, after reading on the Vogue forums that its a tasty tea, so Im keen to try it. Am still yet to actually make myself some... I will get around to it!!! And I also sampled some Chai. I love going into T2 in summer, when they have all the iced teas to try. So delish! I then caught the bus back to Central, and the train back to North Wollongong, as I had another specialists appointment in Figtree. I was catching a train that was supposed to get me back to North Wollongong at 2.17 pm. Because of some fault or another, I didn't get back to North Wollongong till 3 pm. I was pretty off it. But I made it to my other specialists appointment in time, which was at 3.15 pm. And omg, I needed to pee so bad by then.
Anyway, my appointment went as I kinda expected it to go - my doctor still doesn't know whats causing my kidney pain. My kidney stones are getting bigger. I have to get a CT Scan done and go back and see the urologist, and I'll most likely need to the stones taken out in one way or another. I'm pretty sure I'm going to need at least one of these surgeries every year. It's getting a little repetitive, and I'm not enjoying it. Would like new kidneys, please.
Mum then took me to Woolies, where I bought the ingredients to make my first soup!!! And it was a success. I made a minestrone, the recipe from a Frankie magazine which I adapted - I added in a whole lot more vegies, and some beans, and garlic and chili.
Also added some pesto on top, which is what that green blob is.
Wednesday - It was my mum's birthday. It was a pretty chilled out day, I gave mum her presents and she liked them (a new cookbook, the Early Gray tea, a honey pop, the new Phillipa Gregory book, and a book of gift vouchers I made). We just chilled out most of the day, I bought her a coffee, and we had chinese for dinner. I had chili prawns, so yum! I love prawns.
Thursday - I went back to Sydney. On the 7.03 am train. I hate this train. Only because I have to get up so early, and get my mum to drive my to the station before 7 am. I think it's too early of a time to be out of the house. But I get to Sydney, where I walk up Pitt Street, looking for a cafe to have breakfast before a job interview. Every food place I pass is sushi, or a pub. Not keen on pubs for breakfast (unless if it's in Byron Bay), and as much as a dig sushi, I don't want it for breakfast. I finally find a cafe, and I get some more poached eggs on toast, with grilled mushrooms, and a chair latte on skim. I'm a girl of habit. The eggs definitely weren't as good as the eggs I had on Tuesday, but the chai was amazing. After breakfast, I then go to the job interview. I didn't get the job. I go back to Central via Gloria Jeans for some caffiene, as Im tired as. I then get the train back to Wollongong, really needing to pee. This was not a good idea. Luckily I got off at Wollongong station right near the toilets.
I then rushed into town and got some fruit salad and yogurt from Nosh for lunch. I love this fruit salad, as I find most fruit salad has orange in it, and Im allergic to orange, so I can't eat it. So I dig Nosh for not adding orange to their fruit salad. I then had an appointment with my mum, which went okay. As usual.
Had leftover soup for dinner.
Friday - not a good day. Not a good day at all. I went into town for a bit to apply for some jobs. I came home. Was all heaps down about everything and had a good cry. Then had a shower, as showers usually make everything better. I then got a message from Rose, asking me to go into town with her and Letisha, so that definitely made me feel a little better. Got ready to into town, and had a pre-drink and met Rose and Letisha at The Brewery. Got a Long Island Iced Tea. One of my favourite drinks. We then decided it was time to go the Illawarra, where we just chilled out, and talked and drank lots of vodka. We then had a dance, and to cut a long story short, some people are shit and just want to start things, and Letisha got kicked out, as some girl started shit with her, and then got Letisha kicked out, saying Letisha started it all. So we went to Hostage. Which I thought was shit. There was no one there. Letisha went home. Me and Rose went home.
Saturday - Had another job interview. Omg, I was so tired, but I stayed awake, and rushed to get coffee after the interview, when I felt alot better. I got home, and changed into a summer dress, as the sun was out, and the weather was nice. I did some washing and cleaned my desk off a little. Me and mum walked down to North Beach, where we went to North Kiosk for lunch. I got a chai latte and bircher muesli with stewed fruits. The stewed fruit was absolutely gorgeous. Oh man, I want some more now!!! Then we walked back home, where I read the paper, got a call from Rach asking me to the tennis club. I got changed, and got a lift from my mum to the tennis club. Me and Rach just sat around talking all afternoon, we had a drink, and then we decided to have dinner there. I got a fish cake - which was massive!!! - with Asian salad and chips. It was a good meal. So filling and yum yum yum. (I wish my mum could make her fish cakes like that!!!) After dinner had settled, me and Rach walked back to my house, where I got ready to go out, then went to Rachels house to drink Cosmos. (Maybe a few too many Cosmos). After Kim got home from work, we all went to the Harp, where we drank some more, danced a bit, and just sat around talking and drinking (and everyone else smoked. I didn't smoke.) We then went to Hostage, but I ended up talking to some guy and all my friends went in without me, and I had no money to get in (oh, the joys of being unemployed), so I walked home.
Sunday - oh hangover. I think I got up at about 12.30 pm or so, and had a shower. I don't feel better. But Im going out for dinner tonight, so Im looking forward to that. I just hope this headache shifts a little before I go out.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Day 25
My Day, In Great Detail
This is going to be really boring. Even though it is 2.50 pm, my day has been boring, I'm still in my pajamas, I haven't left the house. I intend on leaving the house in an hour or so, for an hour or so. I am a boring person. (I need to change this)
I got woken up, 3 times, by wisdom tooth pain. It is awful. I hate this pain. Speaking of wisdom tooth pain, I'm going to take more panadol now, as the pain has come back.
After taking all my medications, I got up out of bed, went to the toilet, then did some yoga. It was a bit of a fail, as I only got through two different moves, as Im still a little achey from pole dancing last night. (I've lost some of my pole mojo - Im not impressed. Currently trying to decide if I should move up a level, or repeat beginners again...). After yoga, I had a mug of Dilmah Rose with French Vanilla tea, with a teaspoon of honey and a dash of skim milk. I sat down with my tea, watched some TV and did some knitting. I then did the dishes, and cleaned a section of the kitchen bench. I then had a bread roll for lunch, with vegemite and a triangle of Laughing Cow cheese.
After lunch, I've been in my room, doing some art, listening to music, talking to my mum and cat. This will be the rest of my afternoon. Boring. Doing nothing. I do have plans to go down to the beach and get a chai latte and sit in the sun, if the breeze isn't too cold. I will knit some more. I will watch some movies. I am a boring person.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Day 24
Whatever Tickles My Fancy
It's finally spring. I am amazed. Bring on warmer weather and longer days.
I love spring. It's my favourite season. If the year could just have one season, I'd want it to be spring. It's a good mix of not too hot and not too cold.
The first day of spring was great. My family from Adelaide have been visiting, so they came and visited me and mum. Im pretty sure we can all say we had a good day, a good feed (I can eat!!! not completely normally, but it's slowly getting there.), good company, good wine and a good catch up. I wish it could happen more often, as I do enjoy the company with the part of my family, but a fair few hours lay between us. But I can say I'm going to Adelaide at the end of October, and I'm highly looking forward to it! To see my family again, to have a holiday, to travel, to get away from Wollongong, to have a break from my mum. (As much as I love her, it can get tough living in a tiny two bedroom apartment all the time, and the break is always well needed and thoroughly enjoyed by myself and my mum.)
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Day 23
A Youtube Video
I have not been on youtube for quite a long time. Im not sure why. But when I do go on youtube, I like to look at videos of cats and kittens. Thats maybe why I haven't been on for a while - as I've already got a cat, I can't get another one, and watching the videos of cats and kittens makes me want to get a new kitten.
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