Saturday, September 11, 2010

Day 25

My Day, In Great Detail

This is going to be really boring. Even though it is 2.50 pm, my day has been boring, I'm still in my pajamas, I haven't left the house. I intend on leaving the house in an hour or so, for an hour or so. I am a boring person. (I need to change this)

I got woken up, 3 times, by wisdom tooth pain. It is awful. I hate this pain. Speaking of wisdom tooth pain, I'm going to take more panadol now, as the pain has come back.
After taking all my medications, I got up out of bed, went to the toilet, then did some yoga. It was a bit of a fail, as I only got through two different moves, as Im still a little achey from pole dancing last night. (I've lost some of my pole mojo - Im not impressed. Currently trying to decide if I should move up a level, or repeat beginners again...). After yoga, I had a mug of Dilmah Rose with French Vanilla tea, with a teaspoon of honey and a dash of skim milk. I sat down with my tea, watched some TV and did some knitting. I then did the dishes, and cleaned a section of the kitchen bench. I then had a bread roll for lunch, with vegemite and a triangle of Laughing Cow cheese. 
After lunch, I've been in my room, doing some art, listening to music, talking to my mum and cat. This will be the rest of my afternoon. Boring. Doing nothing. I do have plans to go down to the beach and get a chai latte and sit in the sun, if the breeze isn't too cold. I will knit some more. I will watch some movies. I am a boring person.

1 comment:

KittyCate said...

That doesn't sound boring, it sounds lovely and relaxing! I love that Rose and Vanilla tea, is delish.
For the wisdom tooth pain, try neurofen (if you can take them), its better for dental pain than panadol. Hope your teeth feel better soon! Wisdom teeth suck - I was so relieved to have mine all out last year. x