To celebrate passing Tafe, Rose, Letisha, her fiance Tyson and I all went out for cocktails. We started at the Brewery, where cocktails were $6, then $7, the $8.
Started out by skulling a Long Island Iced Tea, as I got there late, and Rosie and Letisha were onto their second cocktails, so I had to catch up!!!
We then got our next cocktails - Cosmos!!! Then played pool. I can't remember who won, but it was a game that went on forever, as I started drinking a strawberry Daquiri throughout the game.
We then decided to head to Glasshouse, where at the bar I saw a sign.
I think it was the sign that killed me.
The sign that said COCKTAILS!!! $5 TILL 11 PM!!!
Since it was only about 9 pm, multiple $5 cocktails were consumed.
My night consisted a little like long island iced tea, cosmo, strawberry daquiri, strawberry daquiri, strawberry daquiri, strawberry daquiri, strawberry daquiri, strawberry daquiri, strawberry daquiri, strawberry daquiri, strawberry daquiri, strawberry daquiri, strawberry daquiri, water, strawberry daquiri, strawberry daquiri, strawberry daquiri, water, water, water, spew, water, water, water, spew, water water, spew, water water, water, walking home. With dancing thrown in somewhere in between. And getting photos taken, which I kinda don't remember happening, but Letisha does, and she said I said something about how I'm going to be on the internet.
Letisha then found us on the internet. So I'm on the internet. Looking pretty wasted.

More cocktails will have to be consumed soon. Hopefully without the vomit (and all the bad seedy guys, which I have left out this post as they spiked my friends drink, and don't want to fill a post of awesomeness, full of explicitives.
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