Thursday, April 15, 2010

brb, giving up on boys.

urgh. Im over boys. Again. I say this all the time, but every now and then, someone cute comes along and says things and I believe him. And again, they turn out to be something other then the truth.

To be honest, I've got enough going on in my life then to be waiting for a guy. He says he likes me and he wants to see me. I tell him I like him and I want to see him. A month later and nothing has happened. I give up. Im back to concentrating on my life. I have chronic pain to deal with - which is a lot for a 23 yr old. With that comes so many things I have to think about and consider, and it is a bit of a mind fuck. I don't need a guy giving me a mind fuck aswell. And thats just the start of things I have to consider about. 

Do I want to live and work in London, or do I want to live and work in Canada???

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