Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day 06

Whatever Tickles My Fancy

At times I really dislike people. I hate ignorance and I hate liars and I've had a bit of that lately and its really pissing me off, which is not helping to make me feel better.
I've been feeling depressed, I've got a kidney infection, I'm slowly (but surely) getting over a killer back injury, and to top things off, I haven't eaten for 8 days (and I'm scared my depression/anxiety is coming back in full swing).
And me and mum aren't doing so well lately. Not that I can do much about that, in my current state, but I'm slowly working on that (back injuries don't let you do much in the way of anything, pretty much).

I just wish people wouldn't lie to me. I wish people would pay attention to the things I say. I wish someone would ask me how I really am. I wish other people would think of other people other than just themselves.

I paid, who I consider a friend, money for a concert ticket and cd. Im on the door for the concert, but the cd got given to her boyfriend, who I'm no longer sure if I consider a friend... who lives in my area. I got told by the boyfriend, I would have my cd of Friday last week. I told him I was going to be in town on Friday, and told him the times. Friday came and went and I never heard from him or my cd. Got told I would be getting my cd on Monday. I told him I would be in town on Monday, what time I would be in town on Monday, what time I had an appointment in town on Monday - therefore making myself busy - and what time I would be leaving town on Monday. He came into town on Monday at the time I had my appointment. I can't exactly walk out of an appointment I had had booked for a fortnight (osteopathy, lots of needles at the moment, quite uncomfortable after my appointment). 
After my appointment I checked my phone and had a somewhat rude message from the guy, aswell as 3 missed calls. If he had paid any attention to the message I had sent him, he would have known I was busy at that time, therefore unable to do as he requests. I told him so, and then get told to traipse halfway across town to see him to get my cd. I told him I had just had osteo, and I was in pain and no, I can;t just hop on a bus and go down and meet him.
He is now three hours up the coast, with my cd at his dad's place, and expect me to go there and get it.
1. I don't know his dad or where he lives
2. I don't have a way to get there
3. I'm pretty sure he should have known this

After all that, its pretty obvious he is self centered and rude and ignorant, which has made me pissed off. I told him last week he could have mailed me the cd. I would have been more than happy to pay for the posting of the cd (which I know isn't much, as I have mailed cd's before).

So right now, I'm rather pissed off that I pay for something, and cannot get it. I am really pissed off. I can't even have something that is mine, and I have no way of getting something that is mine.
Some people are really fucking rude and ignorant and it really irritates me, and it is not something that is going to make me better.

I just want to get better.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Day 05

My favourite quote

+and this too shall pass
+time waits for no one
+live, love, die

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day 04

My Favourite Book

For me, it is impossible to have just one favourite book. I've been reading ever since I can remember, and have easily read 1000 or more books in my 23 years (I was in the top 10% of readers in the state in primary school).

+I've just finished reading the Sookie Stackhouse series, and really enjoyed them.
+Harry Potter will always be a favourite series (and my copy of The Philosopher's Stone is starting to fall apart!)
+The Lovely Bones will always be a book I can read over and over again. 

There are way too many book favourites that I'm not even going to rack my mind trying to think, but I have always been an avid reader, I still am an avid reader, and I hope to still be an avid reader till the day I die, collecting more favourite books that I can keep, and re-read forever (and replace if they fall apart).

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day 03

My Favourite Television Program

I don't have just one favourite TV program, but I do have a few, so like before, I shall list them all;
+True Blood
+Grey's Anatomy
+The Nanny
+Gossip Girl
+Dead Set
+Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day 02

My Favourite Movie

Again, this is hard. I don't just have one favourite movie. I've seen way too many movies to just have one favourite movie, so I will put down the movies that I can never, ever get tired of watching.

+Milo and Otis
+The Virgin Suicides
+Garden State
+Pan's Labyrinth
+Thelma and Louise
+Pulp Fiction
+28 Days Later
+28 Weeks Later
+Donnie Darko
+From Dusk Till Dawn
+Little Miss Sunshine
+Looking For Alibrandi
+Love Actually
+Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist
+Death Proof

Monday, June 14, 2010

Day 01

My Favourite Song

This is hard. I don't have one favourite song. And if I do, it changes very often.
*According to my iTunes, my top playing played song is Broke Flat Broke (We Ain't Got It) by Kids Will Be Skeletons, at 126 plays.
*MY current favourite song is I Hate Hartley by The Amity Affliction. that could change as soon as tonight, as from next week, but that is my current favourite song.

*One of my all time favourite songs is The Blair Snitch Project by The Amity Affliction. It has been one of my favourite songs since I first got Severed Ties

30 Days

30 Days of Blog.
For the next 30 days (not consecutive, as Im not on the internet on my computer everyday), I will be completing these 30 tasks:

-Day 01 — Your favorite song
-Day 02 — Your favorite movie
-Day 03 — Your favorite television program
-Day 04 — Your favorite book
-Day 05 — Your favorite quote
-Day 06 — Whatever tickles your fancy
-Day 07 — A photo that makes you happy
-Day 08 — A photo that makes you angry/sad
-Day 09 — A photo you took
-Day 10 — A photo of you taken over ten years ago
-Day 11 — A photo of you taken recently
-Day 12 — Whatever tickles your fancy
-Day 13 — A fictional book
-Day 14 — A non-fictional book
-Day 15 — A fanfic
-Day 16 — A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
-Day 17 — An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
-Day 18 — Whatever tickles your fancy
-Day 19 — A talent of yours
-Day 20 — A hobby of yours
-Day 21 — A recipe
-Day 22 — A website
-Day 23 — A YouTube video
-Day 24 — Whatever tickles your fancy
-Day 25 — Your day, in great detail
-Day 26 — Your week, in great detail
-Day 27 — This month, in great detail
-Day 28 — This year, in great detail
-Day 29 — Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
-Day 30 — Whatever tickles your fancy

Starting today!!!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Long Weekend

I've basically done nothing, and it's been the best. I needed to get away from my mum, as do quite often, and since I was unable to go to Adelaide a few weeks back, I have spent the weekend at my friend Bec's house and it has been amazing.

All I've pretty much done is internet, sleep (amazingly well, on Bec's comfy bed), watch movies/tv, talk, hang out with Bec and Scott, get 'adopted' by Becs mum, eat, drink hot chocolate and tea, make friends with the four dogs and two cats, talk heaps, family dinners at the table, get excited at pain killer time and knit. No alcohol has been involved. No alcohol has been involved in my life since ANZAC day, but I'm getting used to that. 

But this weekend has been great. No mum, and being able to rest with an amazingly nice family and friends.

Today, Bec, Scott and and I went shopping. One of Bec's brothers is getting married next weekend, so Bec needed jewelry, shoes, hoisery, underpants, you name it. We found some jewelry, bright red back seam stockings (I want a pair!), shoes (which will be bought next week when Bec has more money), and a new dress. I found a necklace I think I'm going to buy. It's Alice in Wonderland themed, and even has a little clock on it that works. I'm just hoping the clock can have its battery replaced, and if so, it's definitely being added to my necklace collection. We also went to Kmart - big sale, and I needed a new long sleeve top to go with my new Peter Alexander cute monster pj pants. Top was bought. Also cheap as Bonds trackie pants (with pockets!), which will keep me warm for when I want to go swimming in the heated indoor pool at Beaton Park (which I said I was going to do last year, but never did). I aim to go for a swim before June has ended.

Back to my back, I'm seeing an osteopath on Tuesday. I'm really hoping he can help my back get into place asap. Then there will be no more pain and discomfort, no more pain killers, no more sobriety, no more anti-socialness, no more nothing. It is going to be amazing when all this happens.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


So I got to start physio on my back today. & surprise surprise, my pelvis is tilted again, and muscle aren't working.
I can tell this is not going to be a fun round of physio. & I have another appointment booked in for Thursday of next week.

But I'm all strapped up around my back, which is helping me walk better, at least for today, anyway. Instead of my usual old granma shuffle I've had going on for the past month.

So hopefully this physio kicks in soon, I can get of my pain meds and go and party and rage and get fucked up and everything else I've been missing out on this past month.