All I've pretty much done is internet, sleep (amazingly well, on Bec's comfy bed), watch movies/tv, talk, hang out with Bec and Scott, get 'adopted' by Becs mum, eat, drink hot chocolate and tea, make friends with the four dogs and two cats, talk heaps, family dinners at the table, get excited at pain killer time and knit. No alcohol has been involved. No alcohol has been involved in my life since ANZAC day, but I'm getting used to that.
But this weekend has been great. No mum, and being able to rest with an amazingly nice family and friends.
Today, Bec, Scott and and I went shopping. One of Bec's brothers is getting married next weekend, so Bec needed jewelry, shoes, hoisery, underpants, you name it. We found some jewelry, bright red back seam stockings (I want a pair!), shoes (which will be bought next week when Bec has more money), and a new dress. I found a necklace I think I'm going to buy. It's Alice in Wonderland themed, and even has a little clock on it that works. I'm just hoping the clock can have its battery replaced, and if so, it's definitely being added to my necklace collection. We also went to Kmart - big sale, and I needed a new long sleeve top to go with my new Peter Alexander cute monster pj pants. Top was bought. Also cheap as Bonds trackie pants (with pockets!), which will keep me warm for when I want to go swimming in the heated indoor pool at Beaton Park (which I said I was going to do last year, but never did). I aim to go for a swim before June has ended.
Back to my back, I'm seeing an osteopath on Tuesday. I'm really hoping he can help my back get into place asap. Then there will be no more pain and discomfort, no more pain killers, no more sobriety, no more anti-socialness, no more nothing. It is going to be amazing when all this happens.
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