Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day 04

My Favourite Book

For me, it is impossible to have just one favourite book. I've been reading ever since I can remember, and have easily read 1000 or more books in my 23 years (I was in the top 10% of readers in the state in primary school).

+I've just finished reading the Sookie Stackhouse series, and really enjoyed them.
+Harry Potter will always be a favourite series (and my copy of The Philosopher's Stone is starting to fall apart!)
+The Lovely Bones will always be a book I can read over and over again. 

There are way too many book favourites that I'm not even going to rack my mind trying to think, but I have always been an avid reader, I still am an avid reader, and I hope to still be an avid reader till the day I die, collecting more favourite books that I can keep, and re-read forever (and replace if they fall apart).

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