Monday, August 23, 2010

Day 20

A Hobby Of Mine

I love hobbies. I have lots of hobbies. Some of these hobbies can be turned into talents, I guess...

-pole dancing; I started pole in January this year, and it is amazing. I love it so much. I had to give it up for three months when I hurt my back, which sucked, but Im back at it and it feels great.
-knitting; I used to knit all my barbie dolls blankets when I was younger, then completely gave up knitting till this year, and now I love it and knit every day.
-reading; I feel weird if Im not currently reading a book. I've been reading for so long, and was in the top 10% of readers in the state when I was in primary school, which was fun. I got to go to these workshops and help professionals develop a program to help kids who couldn't read as well.
-baking; I love baking for friends and family, and am constantly getting new recipes and lusting after cookbooks and reading food blogs.
-art and photography; I love painting, and taking photos. I also like to draw, but to be honest, I am a crap drawer, so I don't do it often, and when I do, I generally don't show people.

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