Hi, my name is Sophie and I am addicted to nail polish.
I'm not sure how many nail polishes I own, and how many more I want to own, but it's a lot. I'm always lusting after new colours. Or even just a new bottle of nail polish, to vamp up an old outfit. I've decided to turn my nail polish habit into something constructive, by buying nail polish that supports causes, such as O.P.I's nail polish for breast cancer. I have a few family members who have had breast cancer, and so many women get breast cancer each year (and die from it), so this is a really good cause (and the colour looks amazing on, all shimmery and baby pink. Love it!)
I often go to Sydney, and since I can't drive, train is my option. Its a 90 minute train ride from Wollongong to Sydney, so I always need entertainment, whether it be magazine or book, and always my iPod. (And a very vanilla chiller.)
Feet on seats! I know you're not supposed to, but I sometimes do it, only when the train is empty. Never on a peak hour train. It really irks me when people take up so many seats on peak hour trains. Down with seat hogs!!! Also wanted to show off my fluro pedi. It gave me something nice to look at, and kept my spirits up when I was in hospital for three weeks last month.

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