Sat on the bus for an hour, and finally made it to Shellharbour Square. I went into Angus and Robertson and applied for a job. Got to speak to the manager, he was nice enough. I hoped he thought I was nice enough for an interview, as an interview means I'm one step closer to a job, which would be great. I need a job, as I just got an email from Myer yesterday saying I didn't get the job I went into the interview for. And even worse is, I can't apply for another position at Myer for another six months.
I think I found a nice pair of flat mary janes. I didn't buy them, as I often think about if I really want to buy something, but I did purchase a cutlery set from Target. It was just too cute to say no to. All the handles are baby pink with white spots. And they will last a few years, so it was a good investment ($25 can be an investment when your unemployed and living out of home).
I went to Greater Union and saw He's Just Not That Into You. I really like that cinema, much more leg room, and the seats are more comfy. And I quite enjoyed the movie.