Tuesday, February 15, 2011

February Goodness

I always love February. 
It's the second month of the year.
My birthday is on the 19th (this Saturday!).
My cat's birthday is on the 10th.

When I was younger it always meant back to school time, and my step-fathers birthday, but those don't count anymore.

There is also Valentines Day, but Im not really too fussed on Valentines Day.

This year, February also brings in my compensation money.
I signed the forms last Thursday afternoon, and I couldn't stop laughing/smiling all afternoon. Even while getting my B12 injection.
But then I got anxious, and didn't leave the house or check my bank account till today. Then it sank in. And I went shopping. But not before making an appointment to see the financial advisor at my bank - who I see on Friday morning, who will invest a large amount of money for me, so, hopefully, in five or so years time, my money will have grown and I'll have a nice amount to put a deposit on a three bedroom apartment (one bedroom for me, one bedroom to be turned into a library/dance room, and the third as a guest bedroom/friend to live with me).
But I went shopping and it was awesome!!! I didn't even go wild, which is very good of me.

I did buy animal print wedges from Sportsgirl, aswell as two new rings.
I got my eyes tested, and bought a new pair of glasses/lenses - that was great, not having to stick to a budget, and being able to get any frames I wanted, and getting the good, expensive lenses with added extras, such as covering on the lens which minimises glare. But Im looking forward to my new glasses - tortoiseshell Miu Miu frames, with a silver/diamonte M on the side of each arm.
And I shall be wearing my new wedges on Saturday night, for my birthday dinner. Which I am completely looking forward to!!!

1 comment:

michaela said...

Congratulations! That must be so great not having to stick to a budget - especially for things such as eyewear. You're glasses sound so great, you'll have to post a photo when you get them!