Saturday, February 5, 2011

heat wave

This is awful.
Im living off frozen juice and too many Boost Juices and Coke Zeros. 
And I can't even go swimming to cool off.

This is the first and last time I get a new tattoo before a heat wave.
Im in love with my fan and want to marry it.
I sleep surrounded by ice packs.
In just a singlet and my undies and I still wake up too early, covered in sweat.

(I would post a pic of my tattoo, but it's currently all crusty and ew, and Ill wait till its all finished and coloured, then I shall be posting photos.)

I hope everyone is coping well this heat wave! And everyone with air con, Im green with envy.

And I hope all Queesnlanders and Melbournites are getting through and staying strong through all the floods and cyclones and and everything else bad that is happening. I am donating my change. I shall be heading to Qld later this year and giving giving out my tourist money. I shall be helping the Qld economy.


KittyCate said...

Ohhhhh noes, that sucks, you poor thing! I have been living at south beach, and in my parents' pool. We don't have aircon either - I've been putting a bucket of water under the fan, really helps xx

michaela said...

bucket of water under the fan!? that sounds like such agood idea kittycate! i'll have to try it! ive hung wet sheets from my windows so the breeze coming in is a bit cooler.

this is me without you said...

The bucket of water sounds like a great idea. Will definitly be trying that out!
Thanks for that idea :)
