It was Mels birthday on Saturday. It was a good day. I went to her place for lunch. First time I have eaten meat for a few weeks. Even though I didnt eat much meat. Saw Sabrina. I havent seen her since February. Just on Saturday night, I learnt so much more about her. Im glad I know her. After dessert (which I ate more of then lunch), Mel, Sabrina and I went into Sabrinas dads spa. We overflowed the spa with bubbles. Onto the floor. It was good. We had drank champagne and ate chilli chocolate and talked heaps. It was good just to be there with them two. After spa shenanigans, we went into Wollongong. I have to say, I really dislike Wollongong nightlife. Theres afew clubs, all playing the same music. Not enough people. Clubs all ask for a $10 cover charge. Everything is the same, and to be honest, boring. We spent the majority of the night at Ivory. The club for people 25yrs or older. I didnt get asked for id. The cocktails there are good, and the music is alright, but I have been to better, more fun clubs (I love you Hot Damn).
I came back to Sydney earlier today, but before that, I went shopping in Wollongong. I prefer General Pants in Wollongong compared to General Pants in Haymarket and QVB. I bought a new top, it's cute as, and is in running with my cat theme.

I'm really starting to like Cotton On. I got the cutest skirt today. I saw it, and thought it was cute. Decided to go back after buying the top to try it on. I then bought it.
I like the skirt as high waisted, but it can be worn on the hips. I'm going through the high waisted trend. Well, I'm trying too. It's not going so well. But I keep trying at it.
Also bought new body wash. Natio Polish. The greatest exfoliator body wash I have ever used. My skin feels so lush after using it, and it smells great.
My sleeping pattern is all over the place. But I have discovered, if I take my new meds later at night, instead of at 5pm, I'm still awake at 9pm, and I sleep through the night. I will keep up with that, till I see my psychiatrist next. I hope she doesn't mind, but I'm not a fan of falling asleep at 8pm every night of the week.
I told my best friend. I'm getting treated for schizophrenia. She still loves me. To her, I'm still the same person. Even when I get old, I will still be the same person, just older. She agreed on that, when discussing our funeral plans this morning.