Sunday, October 18, 2009


15 October;
I decided to venture out into the city today. The weather was looking a little more friendlier, and I wanted to do the touristy sight-seeing, and hopefully do some shopping.
I got directions to the train station from Katie, plus a few extra directions to places of potential interest, and off I went.
Train stations in Adelaide are weird (from NSW train stations). You buy your ticket on the train, and all tickets (including bus tickets), have to be validated after you have bought them. Which totally confused me (I even have an un-validated bus ticket from my first day in Adelaide).
Made it to the city and walked up North Terrace, to the Museum, admiring the really old, gorgeous buildings on the way. The Museum was awesome! I'm not sure if my favourite was the whale and dolphin bones hanging from the roof (from real animals, most that had been beached, and then died from not being able to make it back out to ocean), or the Egyptian room. There were actual mumified cats and a human mummy in there. It would have been ten times better if the room was bigger then my mums bedroom, and had more things to look at. I also enjoyed the 4 level deep sea squid, which freaked me out, thinking how something that large and scary looking is swimming about in the sea. Would never want to encounter one of them. Ever.

After the Museum, it was time for lunch, so I went out looking for a vegetarian cafe Katie had raved about that morning. Of course I didn't find it, but did lust after most items in the Sass and Bide store, and then found a cafe and had the HUGEST bowl of spicy bean nachos with guacamole and sour cream. I love nachos, but that bowl was just too huge for one meal.
After lunch I browsed the mall, and walked up the other end of Rundle Street. After walking around pretty much all day, I decided it was time to head back to Katie's place, in time for dinner. (After making a stop at the bottle store for more wine.)

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