Monday, October 12, 2009

Im going to Adelaide tomorrow. Gosh, it's been ages since I've been on a really good holiday. I went to Canberra for a few days last year, but I got hayfever, and severely missed Sydney. I did not enjoy the nightlife, but I did enjoy the shopping at DFO and another place, that had sales shops. And it was good to spend a few days with Ally, who I don't think I had seen at all that year until then. Oh, and I ate some of the most AMAZINGEST nachos. And found a supermarket that sold so many poptarts and cherry coke. It was sugar heaven. I spent $20 on poptarts. Then a few more dollars on Hershey's.

But now I'm going to Adelaide for a few days. To visit family, and to get out of Wollongong, because, as usual, it's doing my head in.
I'm looking forward to seeing my cousins and uncle and aunt. It's been forever. I haven't seen Katie for nearly 13 years. And I haven't seen uncle Pete for about 5 or 6 years. It should be good.
I hope it will be good. I will make it good. 
Even more, I'm quite looking forward to the plane ride. There's something fascinating about traveling on a plane. And this will be the first time as a solo traveller on a plane. And I have a good/trashy book to read to pass the time.

For my next holiday, I want to go back to Byron Bay. Then, hopefully, I will be in London, and traveling all over Europe for a year or so (or so I'm planning to).

ps. I had the most amazing night last Thursday. It was amazing.

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