I had an amazing day.
I just spent the day at home with my mum (except for her daily coffee run)
I woke up 7 am needing to pee (as usual), and since mum has told me the night before she wanted to start the day around 10 am or so, I willed myself back to sleep. Waking up 2 hours later at 10 am, i rushed out of bed to wake up my mum and wish her a Merry Christmas! She wanted to stay in bed and wake up for an extra 10 mins, so I let her, while I opened up the goodies in my santa stocking. Inside my santa stocking were two mini boxes of Lindt chocolate, a plastic christmas bell with jellybells and a walking penguin toy, mini gingerbread men, and three nailpolishes from Sportsgirl - minty green, watermellony pink, and a shiny light purple).
Mum came out into the dining room where we opened all of our presents and waited for breakfast to be cooked.
I got for my mum a $40 JB-HiFi gift voucher, seasons 1 & 2 of Flight of the Concords, Best of Annie Lennox CD/DVD, Cadel Evans autobiography, box of Lindt chocolate, block of Lindt dark chocolate with orange, Byron Bay Cookie Co. cookies, a box of stamps, dragonflies to use for scrapbooking, and an apron (which was worn pretty much all day!!!)
My mum got me electric beaters, two Women's Weekly cookbooks, Fierce by Kelly Osbourne, Buffy collectors edition boxset, underpants, a manicure kit, 10 Things I hate About You DVD, Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion DVD, The Sixth Sense DVD, The Castle DVD, The Addams Family Values DVD, Now And Then DVD, 1000 Things To Do In London for 10pounds book.
After all the presents were unwrapped, it was time for breakfast, out tradition of croissants - so yummy!!! With raspberry jam. Such an awesome breakfast!!!
After breakfast, we flicked through our books, and I sent a few merry christmas text messages, and then got dressed and went out to get mum her coffee. I wore my new lace dres (which is VERY cute), and then we came home and started watching the DVDs we had gotten. We ate some nuts (and I ate half a carrot), and then mum decided it was time to start cooking tea - and to start drinking champagne.
After a while, dinner was ready - roast turkey, and vegies (parsnip, potato, sweet potato, pumpkin, corn on the cob and brocollini). Dinner was good!!! (except the turkey was really salty, which I didnt really enjoy). After eating dinner, me and mum just sat at the table talking for aaaaaaaaaaaages and drinking lots of champagne. I thought it was great - we haven't sat down and talking like that for such a long time. We also kept drinking lots of champagne (and got a little drunk), and then we had some dessert! Mum had made a christmas pudding yesterday, which was saved for dessert, which we had with thick cream - it was such a good pudding!!! (We even had seconds).
After leaving the table, we decided to watch some more DVDs till we got all tired (the champagne probobly got to our heads aswell), so it we both went to bed.
Till I realised I couldn't sleep (as usual), so thought it would be a good idea to write this christmas blog before I forgot all about christmas day.
I had an amazing christmas day :) minus all the pain in my leg and waiting for every four hours till when I could next take more painkillers, it was a great day with good presents and good food and an awesome conversation, and even looking at photographs (and myself not recognising my own grandfather).
I really do wish for more christmases like today to come. Even if it is just only me and my mum, its the only thing I know, and the only thing I like, especially on days like christmas and birthdays.